Hearing strange sounds from your HVAC unit can be stressful. You may be wondering if you need repairs for your system, or if it’s reaching the end of its lifespan.
If you’re having AC trouble, don’t worry! Our Baldwin Cooling, Heating, Plumbing & Electrical team wants to help homeowners recognize early signs of a heating and cooling system replacement, or when they should contact a local specialist for repairs. Here are some tips for homeowners who want to know when they should call for repairs or expect a complete air conditioning replacement.
3 Signs That Call For An AC Installation
There are many indicators that your heating and cooling system has been damaged in some way. This could be certain smells or sounds coming out from your system. Damage could also effect your unit’s efficiency issues over time.
While some of these issues can be resolved with routine maintenance, there are three big indicators that usually lead to an AC replacement. Those three are your system’s age, safety and repair frequency.
Old AC Unit
When your HVAC system is reaching the end of its lifespan, it’ll have a harder time keeping up with your set temperatures. This means an increase in utility bills to compensate for extra energy consumption. Not only that, but overworking your system will cause it to overheat and break down at inopportune times.
Your average AC system will last anywhere between 10-15 years with routine maintenance. Around the 10-year mark, it’s recommended to start considering an HVAC replacement. If you have any questions about your system’s efficiency or age, contact our team and we’ll get you the answers you need.
Air Conditioning Safety
If your HVAC system is causing a hazardous environment for you and your household, it’s important to replace the system as soon as possible. Some signs of a hazardous environment are:
- Limited airflow
- Moisture build-up
- Foul smells or leaks
- Short cycling
If your system malfunctions, it can emit dangerous fumes like carbon monoxide or could create fire hazards from faulty wiring. Extreme damages should be handled with care.
An AC specialist will remove your system and replace it with a safer system for you and your family. If you experience any of these problems, contact our team to get your system checked for safety concerns.
Constant Air Conditioning Repair
Getting seasonal repairs is very common and recommended by many HVAC specialists. If you find yourself getting more repairs each season, it may be time for a new unit. While replacing your unit can be costly, constant repairs can also add up over time.
In the time it takes to complete all the necessary repairs, you may have gotten them resolved with a new system. Ask your local heating and cooling technician to see if your unit has lost its efficiency.
How You Can Get AC Repair In Daphne
The best way to know if your system needs a replacement is to ask your local professionals. If you need HVAC help, get in touch with Baldwin Cooling, Heating, Plumbing & Electrical! We can investigate and look for these signs of damage in your system and help you plan out your next move. Contact us for a consultation today!